
Proctored testing services are available in Room B131 in the 图书馆/Learning Resources Center.  查询详情请联系 贝基·威尔,217岁.641.4527 or 通过电子邮件.

For testing services available at outlying centers, please contact:

  • 农业中心:本·纳森,217.641.4558
  • Mt. 斯特林中心:珍妮·英玲,217岁.641.4144
  • 匹茨菲尔德中心:杰奎琳·贝克,217岁.641.4570



任务:  The John Wood CC 测试室 promotes student success by providing a quiet, 管理测试的安全区域.

在这个任务中, we are guided by the professional best practices for proctoring published by the National College Testing Association.

愿景:  JWCC 测试室 Staff will “promote conduct that enhances a fair and secure testing experience and the validity of testing results.”


A monitored testing room is available on the 昆西校区 (Room B131) for make-up testing and testing in open learning courses.  结构化课程的测试也是可能的, subject to availability as determined by your department chair or director and the testing room supervisor (Becky Will, ext. 4527).  联系他们: 之前 批准.  The practice of class-wide testing is to be avoided except in emergencies. (例如,延长天气关闭时间)

指导员将完成一份 监考考试指导表 对于每个要监考的测试.



  • Make up tests – Instructors will leave tests for students who are allowed to make up a missed test with the appropriate 监考考试指导表.
  • 整个班级——在极少数情况下, instructors are allowed to put a test for an entire class to make up in the testing room. Instructors will provide a due date on the test and students are allowed to come in during normal operating hours.  Students should be encouraged to not wait, as testing is first come, first served.


  • Instructors will provide the testing room with a 密码 that will open the test for the student.
  • 如果测试说明, 密码, and number/name of the students are the same for the entire semester the instructor may complete just one test instruction form.


  • 所有的开放式学习考试都在考场进行. Some are paper/pencil and some are 密码-protected online tests.


  • Enrollment Services/Advising staff enter the student’s name and appropriate test info and voucher number on the 位置测试 beat365平台. This calendar is maintained by the supervisor of testing services at each location with the current operating hours Ordinarily, no placement test will be proctored the last two weeks of each semester because of the demands of final exams.


  • 护理部
    • Proctoring services may be 提供 in a computer lab at the request of the 护理部 if staff is available. Emergency back-up staffing is to be 提供 by the 护理部.
    • CNA – Certified Nursing Assistant competency evaluation written exam testing is given once a month and is coordinated by SIU. 最近增加了在线考试.  (2019)

作为对本区居民的服务, the testing room may provide free proctoring for colleges/universities, 机构, 或机构.  Individuals and students who wish to have a test proctored will make the appropriate contacts between the original institution and JWCC.  You must alert us if any special software is required, as it may or may not be available. JWCC联系人是贝基·威尔,分机. 4527.

  • Proctor Request Form – Students may provide a paper copy of a proctor request form from the originating institution that must be signed and sent back to that institution. This form provides necessary testing information (name, address, etc.).  The originating institution may follow up with specific test instructions and the actual exam in another communication.  一些监考申请表可以通过电子邮件处理.
  • Completed tests – Completed tests are returned via email or postal mail as directed by the originating institution. Any special costs (for expedited, special delivery, overnight, etc.)将由学生支付.


  1. 被告知. Be sure you know the course number, the test name/number and your instructor’s name.
  2. 做好准备. 你必须向检验室人员出示a 照片的身份证; 例如,JWCC ID或国家颁发的驾驶执照. 学生必须 登录 on the appropriate sign-in sheet and sign time out when testing is completed.
  3. 保持安静.  请体谅他人,压低声音.
  4. 没有任何类型的电子设备. Use of any device will result in an academic dishonesty incident report being filed.
    1. 手机必须关机 (不要置于振动状态)并存放在够不着的地方. Cell phones (talking, texting, or being used as a calculator) may not be used during testing. Any use of your cell phone during testing will result in your phone being confiscated until you leave the room and an academic dishonesty incident report being filed.
    2. 不允许使用耳机和耳塞.
    3. 没有个人笔记本电脑或智能手表/设备.
  5. 考试期间禁止使用个人物品. 书、背包等. 应该放在 柜子建立 提供. Accessing any personal item can result in an academic dishonesty incident report being filed.
  6. 所有的测试必须 在关闭时间前完成; 所以明智地计划和利用你的时间.
  7. 儿童不允许进入考场. beat365平台 does not allow unattended children on campus.  (董事会政策编号. 215) Please make appropriate arrangements before reporting for testing.


Honorlock是一个远程测试服务, 在大流行期间首次实施, 的目的是确保课程作业的完整性.  在某些课程中,学生可能会被要求.  It is monitored by an outside party and is not part of the JWCC testing room.

  • Two study cubicles in the 图书馆 on the 昆西校区 have been set aside for use by students who cannot complete an Honorlock exam at home.
  • 需要预约 and will be available only during regular 图书馆 operating hours on a first come, 先发球基地. 请联系贝基·威尔,电话:217-641-4527.
  • The student should come prepared for the exam and any log-in or procedural questions should be directed to your instructor before coming to campus.
  • Once on campus the student should first sign-in at the 测试室 (B131) located within the 图书馆. 把所有个人资料都存放在那里.  然后,学生将被引导到预定的房间. If the 测试室 is closed, the student should 登录 at the 图书馆 Circulation Desk.

有关Honorlock的更多信息,请访问他们的 学生资料页 看看 诺诺洛克的标准考试指南